Proudly Serving Grande Prairie and the Okanagan
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Dedicated Connection
Our system operates using a dedicated cellular connection, so your property remains secure even if the phone line is cut, the power is out, or the Internet is down.
Total Control
Arm and disarm your system from anywhere, check your system’s status, and get notified of activity at your property using our powerful smarter security app.
Trusted Solutions
Get peace of mind with 24/7 professional monitoring and technology powered by — the platform trusted by over 6 million people to protect their homes and businesses.
Proactive Safeguards
Easily set rules so your property responds automatically in an emergency to keep you safe. Receive a notification if you forget to arm your system and always know if an alarm is triggered. We even send life-saving alerts to residents in the path of weather-related danger.
Request a Consultation
Protect your home with security that goes the extra step to keep you aware and in control — from anywhere!
Contact Us
About Alexander Security Inc.
ASI Making Your World a Safer Place! Your Authorized Provider.
Alexander Security Inc was formed in August 2001. ASI presently serves Grande Prairie and area, Northern British Columbia, as well as the Okanagan. Contact us in AB at 780-876-1347 or BC at 250-764-SAFE (7233).
Po Box 21243 Grande Prairie | AB | T8V 6W7
1 (780) 876-1347